;importcom.infisical.sdk.InfisicalClient;importcom.infisical.sdk.schema.*;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// Create the authentication settings for the clientClientSettings settings =newClientSettings();AuthenticationOptions authOptions =newAuthenticationOptions();UniversalAuthMethod authMethod =newUniversalAuthMethod(); authMethod.setClientID("YOUR_IDENTITY_ID"); authMethod.setClientSecret("YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"); authOptions.setUniversalAuth(authMethod); settings.setAuth(authOptions);// Create a new Infisical ClientInfisicalClient client =newInfisicalClient(settings);// Create the options for fetching the secretGetSecretOptions options =newGetSecretOptions(); options.setSecretName("TEST"); options.setEnvironment("dev"); options.setProjectID("PROJECT_ID");// Fetch the sercret with the provided optionsGetSecretResponseSecret secret = client.getSecret(options);// Print the valueSystem.out.println(secret.getSecretValue());// Important to avoid memory leaks!// If you intend to use the client throughout your entire application, you can omit this line. client.close();}}
This example demonstrates how to use the Infisical Java SDK in a Java application. The application retrieves a secret named TEST from the dev environment of the PROJECT_ID project.
We do not recommend hardcoding your Machine Identity Tokens. Setting it as an environment variable would be best.
The Infisical Java SDK is hosted on the GitHub Packages Apache Maven registry. Because of this you need to configure your environment properly so it’s able to pull dependencies from the GitHub registry. Please check this guide from GitHub on how to achieve this.
Our package is located here. Please follow the installation guide on the page.
Import the SDK and create a client instance with your Machine Identity.
importcom.infisical.sdk.InfisicalClient;importcom.infisical.sdk.schema.*;publicclassApp{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){// Create the authentication settings for the clientClientSettings settings =newClientSettings();AuthenticationOptions authOptions =newAuthenticationOptions();UniversalAuthMethod authMethod =newUniversalAuthMethod(); authMethod.setClientID("YOUR_IDENTITY_ID"); authMethod.setClientSecret("YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"); authOptions.setUniversalAuth(authMethod); settings.setAuth(authOptions);// Create a new Infisical ClientInfisicalClient client =newInfisicalClient(settings);// Your client!}}
This field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please use the setAuth() method on the client settings instead.
Your machine identity client secret.
This field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please use the setAuth() method on the client settings instead.
An access token obtained from the machine identity login endpoint.
This field is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Please use the setAuth() method on the client settings instead.
default: "300"
Time-to-live (in seconds) for refreshing cached secrets.
If manually set to 0, caching will be disabled, this is not recommended.
default: ""
Your self-hosted absolute site URL including the protocol (e.g.
Optionally provide a path to a custom SSL certificate file. This can be substituted by setting the INFISICAL_SSL_CERTIFICATE environment variable to the contents of the certificate.
The authentication object to use for the client. This is required unless you’re using environment variables.
The SDK supports a variety of authentication methods. The most common authentication method is Universal Auth, which uses a client ID and client secret to authenticate.
Please note that this authentication method will only work if you’re running your application on Google Cloud Platform.
Please read more about this authentication method.
Using environment variables
INFISICAL_GCP_AUTH_IDENTITY_ID - Your Infisical Machine Identity ID.
Please note that this authentication method will only work if you’re running your application on AWS.
Please read more about this authentication method.
Using environment variables
INFISICAL_AWS_IAM_AUTH_IDENTITY_ID - Your Infisical Machine Identity ID.
Please note that this authentication method will only work if you’re running your application on Azure.
Please read more about this authentication method.
Using environment variables
INFISICAL_AZURE_AUTH_IDENTITY_ID - Your Infisical Machine Identity ID.
Please note that this authentication method will only work if you’re running your application on Kubernetes.
Please read more about this authentication method.
Using environment variables
INFISICAL_KUBERNETES_IDENTITY_ID - Your Infisical Machine Identity ID.
INFISICAL_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH_ENV_NAME - The environment variable name that contains the path to the service account token. This is optional and will default to /var/run/secrets/
To reduce the number of API requests, the SDK temporarily stores secrets it retrieves. By default, a secret remains cached for 5 minutes after it’s first fetched. Each time it’s fetched again, this 5-minute timer resets. You can adjust this caching duration by setting the “cacheTTL” option when creating the client.
tag (getTag()) (string): A base64-encoded, 128-bit authentication tag.
iv (getIv()) (string): A base64-encoded, 96-bit initialization vector.
ciphertext (getCipherText()) (string): A base64-encoded, encrypted ciphertext.