

Authorize Infisical for TeamCity

Obtain a TeamCity Access Token in Profile > Access Tokens

For this integration to work, the TeamCity Access Token must either have the Same as current user account-wide permission enabled or, if Limit per project is selected, then it must at minimum have the View build configuration settings and Edit project permissions enabled.

Navigate to your project’s integrations tab in Infisical.

Press on the TeamCity tile and input your TeamCity Access Token and Server URL to grant Infisical access to your TeamCity account.


Start integration

Select which Infisical environment secrets you want to sync to which TeamCity project (and optionally build configuration) and press create integration to start syncing secrets to TeamCity.

Infisical integrates with both TeamCity’s project-level and build configuration-level environment variables.

To sync secrets to a specific build configuration in a TeamCity project, you can select a build configuration from the TeamCity Build Config dropdown; otherwise, leaving it empty will sync secrets to TeamCity at the project-level.

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