├── scripts
├── e2e-test
└── src/
    ├── @types/
    │   ├── knex.d.ts
    │   └── fastify.d.ts
    ├── db/
    │   ├── migrations
    │   ├── schemas
    │   └── seed
    ├── lib/
    │   ├── fn
    │   ├── date
    │   └── config
    ├── queue
    ├── server/
    │   ├── routes/
    │   │   ├── v1
    │   │   └── v2
    │   ├── plugins
    │   └── config
    ├── services/
    │   ├── auth
    │   ├── org
    │   └── project/
    │       ├── project-service.ts
    │       ├── project-types.ts
    │       └── project-dal.ts
    └── ee/
        ├── routes
        └── services


Contains reusable scripts for backend automation, like running migrations and generating SQL schemas.


Integration tests for the APIs.


The source code of the backend.

  • @types: Type definitions for libraries like Fastify and Knex.
  • db: Knex.js configuration for the database, including migration, seed files, and SQL type schemas.
  • lib: Stateless, reusable functions used across the codebase.
  • queue: Infisical’s queue system based on BullMQ.


  • Scope anything related to Fastify/service here.
  • Includes routes, Fastify plugins, and server configurations.
  • The routes folder contains various versions of routes separated into v1, v2, etc.


  • Handles the core business logic for all operations.

  • Follows the co-location principle: related components should be kept together.

  • Each service component typically contains:

    1. dal: Database Access Layer functions for database operations
    2. service: The service layer containing business logic.
    3. type: Type definitions used within the service component.
    4. fns: An optional component for sharing reusable functions related to the service.
    5. queue: An optional component for queue-specific logic, like secret-queue.ts.


Follows the same pattern as above, with the exception of a license change from MIT to Infisical Proprietary License.

Guidelines and Best Practices

  • All services are interconnected at /src/server/routes/index.ts, following the principle of simple dependency injection.
  • Files should be named in dash-case.
  • Avoid using classes in the codebase; opt for simple functions instead.
  • All committed code must be properly linted using npm run lint:fix and type-checked with npm run type:check.
  • Minimize shared logic between services as much as possible.
  • Controllers within a router component should ideally call only one service layer, with exceptions for services like audit-log that require access to request object data.